
What is the Difference Between Data Backup and Mirroring?

By James Dahl / May 1, 2022 /

When it comes to data backup and data mirroring, there is a lot of confusion about the two terms. Some people think they are the same thing, while others believe they are completely different. In this blog post, we will clear up the confusion and explain the difference between backup and mirror. We will also…

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The Best Way to Protect Your Internet Connection in Public

By James Dahl / March 1, 2022 /

Protect Your WiFI Connection If you’re like most people, you probably use the internet in public places quite often. Whether you’re at a Starbucks or other coffee shop, even in a library it’s easy to access the web on your laptop or phone. However, did you know that using the internet in public can be…

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Tips to Protect Yourself Online

By James Dahl / February 1, 2022 /

As technology advances, so does the way criminals can exploit us. Here are some tips to help protect yourself online.    Don’t open mail from strangers In some cases, malware can be installed on your hard drive without even having to download any attachments. These ‘drive by downloads’ may disguise themselves so that even the…

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Cyber Security and Identity Theft

By James Dahl / January 1, 2022 /

Today’s biggest cyber security concern is Identity Theft. Cyber thieves use all kinds of methods (hacking, use of spyware for intercepting information, etc.) in stealing personal or financial information from their victims, mostly from the computers.  The latest of these nefarious activities even sports a name: phishing (pronounced like (fishing). The thief sends a simple…

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Tips For Creating Secure Passwords That Are Easy to Remember

By James Dahl / December 1, 2021 /

Passwords are key to accessing all of your personal business information. It’s important to create not only a strong password, but also a memorable one so that hijackers can’t take sensitive data.  3 rules to creating a strong password include: Make your password more than 8 characters long Include a mix of numbers, symbols, and…

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Why Medical Records Are Valuable to Hackers

By James Dahl / October 1, 2021 /

Medical records are the new frontier for hackers. When you’re in need of medical attention, your records can be used against you. The more information that is leaked about you, the easier it will be to steal your identity and take advantage of you financially or physically.  Protected Health Information (PHI) The HIPAA privacy rule…

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Business man working on computers

You Should Never Call Back an Unknown Number

By James Dahl / July 18, 2019 /

This is one the newest scams and we’ve all had it happen: You look at your phone and notice a missed call from a familiar-looking number that isn’t in your contacts. Scammers are purposely calling numbers, hanging up, and hoping your first instinct might be to call back and see who it was, but that’s…

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Computer security

Google Docs Imposter

By James Dahl / July 18, 2019 /

The latest Malware Scam you may not have heard of Google Docs is a great way to document share for individuals and businesses alike. With the click of your mouse, you can send an email directly to a recipient you want to share a document with, giving them the capability to view, edit, and download…

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Emergency hospital

Healthcare Professionals and Cyberattacks

By James Dahl / July 18, 2019 /

Why is the Doc an easy target? When it comes to data breaches and cyberattacks, healthcare organizations are a prime target. There are a few reasons why this is the case:  1) their IT infrastructure has a tendency to be older and connected in ways that create convenient attack surfaces, 2) minimizing IT staff combined…

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Phone email security

Why Hosted Exchange for your Email?

By James Dahl / July 18, 2019 /

WHAT IS HOSTED EXCHANGE? Microsoft Exchange Server is the leading business-grade messaging system employed in North America and is currently used by 180 million people worldwide. Exchange offers a number of capabilities, including email, calendaring, task management, address lists, and access to shared document repositories, and other functions. Exchange was originally introduced in June 1996…

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